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Book edge

  • 1 закраска обреза

    Русско-английский технический словарь > закраска обреза

  • 2 закраска обреза

    book edge tinting полигр.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь Масловского > закраска обреза

  • 3 золочение обрезов книги

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > золочение обрезов книги

  • 4 золочение обрезов книги

    2) Polygraphy: book gilding
    3) Makarov: gilding

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > золочение обрезов книги

  • 5 богослужебная книга

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > богослужебная книга

  • 6 закраска обреза

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > закраска обреза

  • 7 обрез книги

    Polygraphy: book edge

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > обрез книги

  • 8 обрезка блоков

    Polygraphy: book-edge trimming

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > обрезка блоков

  • 9 обрезка книжных блоков

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > обрезка книжных блоков

  • 10 закраска

    * * *
    закра́ска ж.
    закра́ска ка́рты — filling-in a map
    закра́ска обре́за полигр.book edge tinting

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > закраска

  • 11 корешок книги

    1) General subject: backbone, spine
    2) Polygraphy: book back, Bindind edge

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > корешок книги

  • 12 К-10

    ВОТ КАК coll Invar fixed WO
    Interj (an exclamation or question)) used to express surprise, astonishment etc, occas. mixed with incredulity, indignation
    is that so (right, it)?
    really! I see! so that's how it is (whatfs going on etc)! well now! dear me! upon my word! how about that!
    (Вера:) У нас в пансионе одна барышня писала стихи. (Беляев:) Вот как! и хорошие? (Тургенев 1). (V.:) At my boarding-school a girl used to write poetry. (B.:) Is that so? Was it good poetry? (le).
    (Репников:) Да понимаешь ли ты, что этот прохвост пришёл сюда в расчете, что ты ему поможешь? (Таня:) Ах, вот как? (Вампилов 3). (R.:) Do you realize that scoundrel came here counting on you to help him? (T.:) Oh, is that it? (3b).
    Нет, Тимофей Лобанов не дезертир, - сказал Кузьма Кузьмич. -Не из таких». - «Не их таких? Вот как!» (Абрамов 1). "No-Timofei Lobanov isn't a deserter," said Kuzma Kuzmich. "He's not that kind." "Not that kind! Really!" (1b). "No. Timofei Lobanov is no deserter," said Kuzma Kuzmich. "He's not the type " "Not the type, eh? I see!" (1a).
    «Свидетели показывают, что у „Мотодрома" Люся высадилась из светло-серой „Волги", которую мы преследовали»... - «Кому принадлежит „Волга"?» - «Ревазу Давидовичу Степнадзе». - «Вот как!..» - удивился начальник отдела (Чернёнок 1). "Witnesses testified that Lusya got out at the Motodrom stop from a light gray Volga-the one we were pursuing."..."Who owns the Volga?" "Revaz Davidovich Stepnadze " "So that's how it is!" The chief was surprised (1a).
    ...Когда-то отец из меня кузнеца хотел сделать. Кузница у нас была». -«Вот как! - с волнением сказал Илья. - Дак, значит, мы с тобой тёзки, товарищ Лукашин?» - «В каком смысле?» -«А в том, что у моего отца тоже кузница была» (Абрамов 1). "...There was a time when my father wanted to make a blacksmith out of me. We used to have a forge." "Well now!" said Ilya with emotion. "That makes us cousins, doesn't it, Comrade Lukashin?" "How so?" "I mean, my father had a forge too" (1a)
    «Сегодня я сижу да читаю Пушкина... Вдруг Аркадий подходит ко мне и молча, с этаким ласковым сожалением на лице, тихонько, как у ребёнка, отнял у меня книгу и положил передо мной другую, немецкую... улыбнулся и ушёл, и Пушкина унёс». - «Вот как!» (Тургенев 2). "Today I was sitting reading Pushkin.... All of a sudden Arkady comes up to me, and, without saying a word, with a look, you know, of kindly commiseration, gently takes the book away from me as if I were a child, puts another one in front of me, a German one., smiles, and goes away, carrying Pushkin off with him." "Dear me!" (2a). "Today I was sitting reading Pushkin....Suddenly Arkady comes up to me and without a word, as gently as if I were a child, with an affectionate look of pity on his face, took away my book and put another before me, a German book....Then he gave me a smile and went out, carrying Pushkin off with him." "Upon my word!" (2c).
    2. - нужен, надоел и т. п. Also: ВО КАК substand ( adv (intensif) or modif) (a person or thing is needed by s.o., boring to s.o. etc) to an extreme, the utmost degree (often accompanied by a gesture in which the speaker raises the edge of his index finger to his throat)
    like you wouldn't believe
    awfully terribly really (in refer, to annoyance etc) s.o. has had it (up to here) (with sth.)
    sth. is more than one can take (handle). "А время тяжёлое, и нам урожай этот во как нужен. Так?» (Войнович 4). "Times are rough and we really need this harvest, right?" (4a).
    (Кудимов:) Парни! Что за формальности? Мне эта субординация (показывает) во как осточертела! (Вампилов 4). (К) Come on, fellers' Let's have a bit less of this formality. I've had seniority and juniority up to here. (Points) (4a).
    Своей у тебя жизни, что ли, нет, чтобы так-то вокруг смотреть! Мне своей жизни - во как хватает - я всего этого не замечаю, на что твоя сила ушла...» (Битов 2). "Perhaps you don't have a life of your own, to be looking around you like this! My own life is more than I can handle, I don't notice all these things that you've poured your strength into-" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-10

  • 13 Л-13

    КАК (БУДТО, СЛОВНО, ТОЧНО) НА ЛАДОНИ (НА ЛАДОШКЕ, НА ЛАДОНКЕо') coll (как etc + PrepP these forms only)
    1. (видно, видеть кого-что и т. п.) \Л-13\Л-13 ( adv or subj-compl with бытьв ( subj: usu. concr, often всё)) sth. is very clearly and distinctly visible, (to see s.o. or sth.) very clearly: (be) in full (plain) view
    (be (stand)) open to view (be as clearly visible) as if it were (spread out) on the palm of one's hand.
    Городок стоит открыто, как на ладони, кругом ни ветлы где-то очень далеко, на самом краю неба, чернеется лесок (Достоевский 3). The town stands open to view, there is not a single willow tree around it
    somewhere very far off, at the very edge of the sky, is the black line of a little forest (3c).
    По стеклянным ступеням мы поднялись наверх. Всё - под нами внизу - как на ладони... (Замятин 1). We ascended the glass stairs. Everything below was as clearly visible as if it were spread out on the palm of my hand (1a).
    2. ( subj-compl with бытье (subj: human or, less often, abstr)) everything about (a person, his life etc) is clear, evident, there is nothing secretive, hidden from view
    X как на ладони - person X is an open book
    (you can read person X) like a book thing X is so (absolutely) clear (transparent, plain).
    ...Ведь ты же знаешь все мои институтские штучки, ведь я у тебя весь как на ладони (Аксёнов 1).... You know all my college-kid tricks, I'm an open book to you... (1a).
    ...Его безупречное притворство было как на ладони (Окуджава 2)....His impeccable pretense was so transparent (2a).
    3. - выложить (кому) что, показать кому что и т. п.
    (to tell, reveal sth. to s.o.) straightforwardly, clearly, and completely
    openly concealing (withholding, suppressing) nothing.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Л-13

  • 14 во как

    ВОТ КАК coll
    [Invar; fixed WO]
    1. [Interj (an exclamation or question)]
    used to express surprise, astonishment etc, occas. mixed with incredulity, indignation:
    - is that so (right, it)?;
    - really!;
    - I see!;
    - so that's how it is (what's going on etc)!;
    - well now!;
    - dear me!;
    - upon my word!;
    - how about that!
         ♦ [Вера:] У нас в пансионе одна барышня писала стихи. [Беляев:] Вот как! и хорошие? (Тургенев 1). [V.:] At my boarding-school a girl used to write poetry. [B.:] Is that so? Was it good poetry? (le).
         ♦ [Репников:] Да понимаешь ли ты, что этот прохвост пришёл сюда в расчёте, что ты ему поможешь? [Таня:] Ах, вот как? (Вампилов 3). [R.:] Do you realize that scoundrel came here counting on you to help him? [T.:] Oh, is that it? (3b).
         ♦ "Нет, Тимофей Лобанов не дезертир, - сказал Кузьма Кузьмич. - Не из таких". - "Не их таких? Вот как!" (Абрамов 1). "No, Timofei Lobanov isn't a deserter," said Kuzma Kuzmich. "He's not that kind." "Not that kind! Really!" (1b). "No. Timofei Lobanov is no deserter," said Kuzma Kuzmich. "He's not the type " "Not the type, eh? I see!" (1a).
         ♦ "Свидетели показывают, что у "Мотодрома" Люся высадилась из светло-серой "Волги", которую мы преследовали"... - "Кому принадлежит "Волга"?" - "Ревазу Давидовичу Степнадзе". - " Вот как!.." - удивился начальник отдела (Чернёнок 1). "Witnesses testified that Lusya got out at the Motodrom stop from a light gray Volga - the one we were pursuing."..."Who owns the Volga?" "Revaz Davidovich Stepnadze " "So that's how it is!" The chief was surprised (1a).
         ♦ "...Когда-то отец из меня кузнеца хотел сделать. Кузница у нас была". - " Вот как! - с волнением сказал Илья. - Дак, значит, мы с тобой тёзки, товарищ Лукашин?" - "В каком смысле?" - "А в том, что у моего отца тоже кузница была" (Абрамов 1).
         ♦... There was a time when my father wanted to make a blacksmith out of me. We used to have a forge." "Well now!" said Ilya with emotion. "That makes us cousins, doesn't it, Comrade Lukashin?" "How so?" "I mean, my father had a forge too" (1a)
         ♦ "Сегодня я сижу да читаю Пушкина... Вдруг Аркадий подходит ко мне и молча, с этаким ласковым сожалением на лице, тихонько, как у ребёнка, отнял у меня книгу и положил передо мной другую, немецкую... улыбнулся и ушёл, и Пушкина унёс". - " Вот как!" (Тургенев 2). "Today I was sitting reading Pushkin.... All of a sudden Arkady comes up to me, and, without saying a word, with a look, you know, of kindly commiseration, gently takes the book away from me as if I were a child, puts another one in front of me, a German one., smiles, and goes away, carrying Pushkin off with him." "Dear me!" (2a). "Today I was sitting reading Pushkin....Suddenly Arkady comes up to me and without a word, as gently as if I were a child, with an affectionate look of pity on his face, took away my book and put another before me, a German book....Then he gave me a smile and went out, carrying Pushkin off with him." "Upon my word!" (2c).
    2. во как нужен, надоел и т.п. Also: ВО КАК substand [adv (intensif) or modif]
    (a person or thing is needed by s.o., boring to s.o. etc) to an extreme, the utmost degree (often accompanied by a gesture in which the speaker raises the edge of his index finger to his throat):
    - [in refer, to annoyance etc] s.o. has had it (up to here) (with sth.;
    - sth. is more than one can take (handle).
         ♦ "А время тяжёлое, и нам урожай этот во как нужен. Так?" (Войнович 4). "Times are rough and we really need this harvest, right?" (4a).
         ♦ [Кудимов:] Парни! Что за формальности? Мне эта субординация (показывает) во как осточертела! (Вампилов 4). [К ] Come on, fellers' Let's have a bit less of this formality. I've had seniority and juniority up to here. (Points) (4a).
         ♦ "Своей у тебя жизни, что ли, нет, чтобы так-то вокруг смотреть! Мне своей жизни - во как хватает - я всего этого не замечаю, на что твоя сила ушла..." (Битов 2). "Perhaps you don't have a life of your own, to be looking around you like this! My own life is more than I can handle, I don't notice all these things that you've poured your strength into-" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > во как

  • 15 вот как

    ВОТ КАК coll
    [Invar; fixed WO]
    1. [Interj (an exclamation or question)]
    used to express surprise, astonishment etc, occas. mixed with incredulity, indignation:
    - is that so (right, it)?;
    - really!;
    - I see!;
    - so that's how it is (what's going on etc)!;
    - well now!;
    - dear me!;
    - upon my word!;
    - how about that!
         ♦ [Вера:] У нас в пансионе одна барышня писала стихи. [Беляев:] Вот как! и хорошие? (Тургенев 1). [V.:] At my boarding-school a girl used to write poetry. [B.:] Is that so? Was it good poetry? (le).
         ♦ [Репников:] Да понимаешь ли ты, что этот прохвост пришёл сюда в расчёте, что ты ему поможешь? [Таня:] Ах, вот как? (Вампилов 3). [R.:] Do you realize that scoundrel came here counting on you to help him? [T.:] Oh, is that it? (3b).
         ♦ "Нет, Тимофей Лобанов не дезертир, - сказал Кузьма Кузьмич. - Не из таких". - "Не их таких? Вот как!" (Абрамов 1). "No, Timofei Lobanov isn't a deserter," said Kuzma Kuzmich. "He's not that kind." "Not that kind! Really!" (1b). "No. Timofei Lobanov is no deserter," said Kuzma Kuzmich. "He's not the type " "Not the type, eh? I see!" (1a).
         ♦ "Свидетели показывают, что у "Мотодрома" Люся высадилась из светло-серой "Волги", которую мы преследовали"... - "Кому принадлежит "Волга"?" - "Ревазу Давидовичу Степнадзе". - "Вот как!.." - удивился начальник отдела (Чернёнок 1). "Witnesses testified that Lusya got out at the Motodrom stop from a light gray Volga - the one we were pursuing."..."Who owns the Volga?" "Revaz Davidovich Stepnadze " "So that's how it is!" The chief was surprised (1a).
         ♦ "...Когда-то отец из меня кузнеца хотел сделать. Кузница у нас была". - "Вот как! - с волнением сказал Илья. - Дак, значит, мы с тобой тёзки, товарищ Лукашин?" - "В каком смысле?" - "А в том, что у моего отца тоже кузница была" (Абрамов 1).
         ♦... There was a time when my father wanted to make a blacksmith out of me. We used to have a forge." "Well now!" said Ilya with emotion. "That makes us cousins, doesn't it, Comrade Lukashin?" "How so?" "I mean, my father had a forge too" (1a)
         ♦ "Сегодня я сижу да читаю Пушкина... Вдруг Аркадий подходит ко мне и молча, с этаким ласковым сожалением на лице, тихонько, как у ребёнка, отнял у меня книгу и положил передо мной другую, немецкую... улыбнулся и ушёл, и Пушкина унёс". - "Вот как!" (Тургенев 2). "Today I was sitting reading Pushkin.... All of a sudden Arkady comes up to me, and, without saying a word, with a look, you know, of kindly commiseration, gently takes the book away from me as if I were a child, puts another one in front of me, a German one., smiles, and goes away, carrying Pushkin off with him." "Dear me!" (2a). "Today I was sitting reading Pushkin....Suddenly Arkady comes up to me and without a word, as gently as if I were a child, with an affectionate look of pity on his face, took away my book and put another before me, a German book....Then he gave me a smile and went out, carrying Pushkin off with him." "Upon my word!" (2c).
    2. вот как нужен, надоел и т.п. Also: ВО КАК substand [adv (intensif) or modif]
    (a person or thing is needed by s.o., boring to s.o. etc) to an extreme, the utmost degree (often accompanied by a gesture in which the speaker raises the edge of his index finger to his throat):
    - [in refer, to annoyance etc] s.o. has had it (up to here) (with sth.;
    - sth. is more than one can take (handle).
         ♦ "А время тяжёлое, и нам урожай этот во как нужен. Так?" (Войнович 4). "Times are rough and we really need this harvest, right?" (4a).
         ♦ [Кудимов:] Парни! Что за формальности? Мне эта субординация (показывает) во как осточертела! (Вампилов 4). [К ] Come on, fellers' Let's have a bit less of this formality. I've had seniority and juniority up to here. (Points) (4a).
         ♦ "Своей у тебя жизни, что ли, нет, чтобы так-то вокруг смотреть! Мне своей жизни - во как хватает - я всего этого не замечаю, на что твоя сила ушла..." (Битов 2). "Perhaps you don't have a life of your own, to be looking around you like this! My own life is more than I can handle, I don't notice all these things that you've poured your strength into-" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > вот как

  • 16 будто на ладони

    [ как etc + PrepP; these forms only]
    1. (видно, видеть кого-что и т.п.) - [adv or subj-compl with быть (subj: usu. concr, often всё)]
    sth. is very clearly and distinctly visible, (to see s.o. or sth.) very clearly:
    - (be < stand>) open to view;
    - (be as clearly visible) as if it were (spread out) on the palm of one's hand.
         ♦ Городок стоит открыто, как на ладони, кругом ни ветлы; где-то очень далеко, на самом краю неба, чернеется лесок (Достоевский 3). The town stands open to view; there is not a single willow tree around it; somewhere very far off, at the very edge of the sky, is the black line of a little forest (Зс).
         ♦ По стеклянным ступеням мы поднялись наверх. Всё - под нами внизу - как на ладони... (Замятин 1). We ascended the glass stairs. Everything below was as clearly visible as if it were spread out on the palm of my hand (1a).
    2. [subj-compl with быть (subj: human or, less often, abstr)]
    everything about (a person, his life etc) is clear, evident, there is nothing secretive, hidden from view:
    - thing X is so (absolutely) clear (transparent, plain).
         ♦...Ведь ты же знаешь все мои институтские штучки, ведь я у тебя весь как на ладони (Аксёнов 1).... You know all my college-kid tricks, I'm an open book to you... (1a)....Его безупречное притворство было как на ладони (Окуджава 2)....His impeccable pretense was so transparent (2a).
    (to tell, reveal sth. to s.o.) straightforwardly, clearly, and completely:
    - concealing (withholding, suppressing) nothing.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > будто на ладони

  • 17 будто на ладонке

    [ как etc + PrepP; these forms only]
    1. (видно, видеть кого-что и т.п.) - [adv or subj-compl with быть (subj: usu. concr, often всё)]
    sth. is very clearly and distinctly visible, (to see s.o. or sth.) very clearly:
    - (be < stand>) open to view;
    - (be as clearly visible) as if it were (spread out) on the palm of one's hand.
         ♦ Городок стоит открыто, как на ладони, кругом ни ветлы; где-то очень далеко, на самом краю неба, чернеется лесок (Достоевский 3). The town stands open to view; there is not a single willow tree around it; somewhere very far off, at the very edge of the sky, is the black line of a little forest (Зс).
         ♦ По стеклянным ступеням мы поднялись наверх. Всё - под нами внизу - как на ладони... (Замятин 1). We ascended the glass stairs. Everything below was as clearly visible as if it were spread out on the palm of my hand (1a).
    2. [subj-compl with быть (subj: human or, less often, abstr)]
    everything about (a person, his life etc) is clear, evident, there is nothing secretive, hidden from view:
    - thing X is so (absolutely) clear (transparent, plain).
         ♦...Ведь ты же знаешь все мои институтские штучки, ведь я у тебя весь как на ладони (Аксёнов 1).... You know all my college-kid tricks, I'm an open book to you... (1a)....Его безупречное притворство было как на ладони (Окуджава 2)....His impeccable pretense was so transparent (2a).
    (to tell, reveal sth. to s.o.) straightforwardly, clearly, and completely:
    - concealing (withholding, suppressing) nothing.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > будто на ладонке

  • 18 будто на ладошке

    [ как etc + PrepP; these forms only]
    1. (видно, видеть кого-что и т.п.) - [adv or subj-compl with быть (subj: usu. concr, often всё)]
    sth. is very clearly and distinctly visible, (to see s.o. or sth.) very clearly:
    - (be < stand>) open to view;
    - (be as clearly visible) as if it were (spread out) on the palm of one's hand.
         ♦ Городок стоит открыто, как на ладони, кругом ни ветлы; где-то очень далеко, на самом краю неба, чернеется лесок (Достоевский 3). The town stands open to view; there is not a single willow tree around it; somewhere very far off, at the very edge of the sky, is the black line of a little forest (Зс).
         ♦ По стеклянным ступеням мы поднялись наверх. Всё - под нами внизу - как на ладони... (Замятин 1). We ascended the glass stairs. Everything below was as clearly visible as if it were spread out on the palm of my hand (1a).
    2. [subj-compl with быть (subj: human or, less often, abstr)]
    everything about (a person, his life etc) is clear, evident, there is nothing secretive, hidden from view:
    - thing X is so (absolutely) clear (transparent, plain).
         ♦...Ведь ты же знаешь все мои институтские штучки, ведь я у тебя весь как на ладони (Аксёнов 1).... You know all my college-kid tricks, I'm an open book to you... (1a)....Его безупречное притворство было как на ладони (Окуджава 2)....His impeccable pretense was so transparent (2a).
    (to tell, reveal sth. to s.o.) straightforwardly, clearly, and completely:
    - concealing (withholding, suppressing) nothing.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > будто на ладошке

  • 19 как на ладони

    [ как etc + PrepP; these forms only]
    1. (видно, видеть кого-что и т.п.) - [adv or subj-compl with быть (subj: usu. concr, often всё)]
    sth. is very clearly and distinctly visible, (to see s.o. or sth.) very clearly:
    - (be < stand>) open to view;
    - (be as clearly visible) as if it were (spread out) on the palm of one's hand.
         ♦ Городок стоит открыто, как на ладони, кругом ни ветлы; где-то очень далеко, на самом краю неба, чернеется лесок (Достоевский 3). The town stands open to view; there is not a single willow tree around it; somewhere very far off, at the very edge of the sky, is the black line of a little forest (Зс).
         ♦ По стеклянным ступеням мы поднялись наверх. Всё - под нами внизу - как на ладони... (Замятин 1). We ascended the glass stairs. Everything below was as clearly visible as if it were spread out on the palm of my hand (1a).
    2. [subj-compl with быть (subj: human or, less often, abstr)]
    everything about (a person, his life etc) is clear, evident, there is nothing secretive, hidden from view:
    - X как на ладони person X is an open book;
    - thing X is so (absolutely) clear (transparent, plain).
         ♦...Ведь ты же знаешь все мои институтские штучки, ведь я у тебя весь как на ладони (Аксёнов 1).... You know all my college-kid tricks, I'm an open book to you... (1a)....Его безупречное притворство было как на ладони (Окуджава 2)....His impeccable pretense was so transparent (2a).
    (to tell, reveal sth. to s.o.) straightforwardly, clearly, and completely:
    - concealing (withholding, suppressing) nothing.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > как на ладони

  • 20 как на ладонке

    [ как etc + PrepP; these forms only]
    1. (видно, видеть кого-что и т.п.) - [adv or subj-compl with быть (subj: usu. concr, often всё)]
    sth. is very clearly and distinctly visible, (to see s.o. or sth.) very clearly:
    - (be < stand>) open to view;
    - (be as clearly visible) as if it were (spread out) on the palm of one's hand.
         ♦ Городок стоит открыто, как на ладони, кругом ни ветлы; где-то очень далеко, на самом краю неба, чернеется лесок (Достоевский 3). The town stands open to view; there is not a single willow tree around it; somewhere very far off, at the very edge of the sky, is the black line of a little forest (Зс).
         ♦ По стеклянным ступеням мы поднялись наверх. Всё - под нами внизу - как на ладони... (Замятин 1). We ascended the glass stairs. Everything below was as clearly visible as if it were spread out on the palm of my hand (1a).
    2. [subj-compl with быть (subj: human or, less often, abstr)]
    everything about (a person, his life etc) is clear, evident, there is nothing secretive, hidden from view:
    - thing X is so (absolutely) clear (transparent, plain).
         ♦...Ведь ты же знаешь все мои институтские штучки, ведь я у тебя весь как на ладони (Аксёнов 1).... You know all my college-kid tricks, I'm an open book to you... (1a)....Его безупречное притворство было как на ладони (Окуджава 2)....His impeccable pretense was so transparent (2a).
    (to tell, reveal sth. to s.o.) straightforwardly, clearly, and completely:
    - concealing (withholding, suppressing) nothing.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > как на ладонке

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  • Book — (b[oo^]k), n. [OE. book, bok, AS. b[=o]c; akin to Goth. b[=o]ka a letter, in pl. book, writing, Icel. b[=o]k, Sw. bok, Dan. bog, OS. b[=o]k, D. boek, OHG. puoh, G. buch; and fr. AS. b[=o]c, b[=e]ce, beech; because the ancient Saxons and Germans… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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